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We are committed to preserving the privacy of all visitors to our website at [insert URL] (the “Website”). Please read the following privacy policy to understand how we use and protect information that you provide to us. By using our Website you agree to the collection, use and disclosure of your information under the terms of this policy. Please note that if you follow a link from our Website to another site, this policy will no longer apply. We are not responsible for the information handling practices of third party sites and we encourage you to read the privacy policies appearing on those sites.

  1. Who we are We are [company/business name] a company registered in England and Wales with company number [insert registered company number], whose registered office is at [insert address]. Please see the Contact Us link on our homepage for our contact information. If you have any queries about the information we hold on you, please contact our Data Protection Officer, who you may write to or contact by email at [insert email address] or by telephone on [insert telephone no].
  2. How we collect information
    2.1We may collect information about you from your completion of our on-line forms or from any email you send to us.
    2.2Both we and the site owner, Enigma Interactive Limited ("Enigma"), will collect information about you if you register to use the SiteBuilder website at http://www.sitebuilderdiy.co.uk
    2.3We may collect information about you if you contact us offline, for example by telephone, fax, email or post.
    2.4We may obtain a record of site statistics about use of our Website from Enigma, but not in a format that identifies any individual.
  3. Cookies.
    3.1We may use 'cookies' to allow us to improve the experience of visitors to our website. Cookies are small text files which are transferred from this Website and stored on your computer's hard drive. They enable a Website to "remember" who you are.
    3.2Most browsers are automatically set to accept cookies but if you are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, you should be able to configure your browser to restrict cookies or block all cookies if you wish. This may, however, affect your ability to log into and use certain areas or our site.
    3.3We use session cookies to keep track of your session when you use our Website. If we provide an online shopping service we will use session cookies to remember what is in your shopping basket. Session cookies are deleted when you close your browser. We do not use persistent cookies which remain on your browser until you delete them. No cookies on our site are served or used by third parties. We do not use "spyware", that is web bugs or hidden identifiers or other similar devices to gain access to information, store hidden information or to trace activities of users.
  4. Storage of information
    4.1Your information will be stored on Enigma's web server and we will keep our own backup copy. We may also store your information on paper at our offices.
    4.2We will keep your information secure by taking appropriate technical and organisational measures against its unauthorised or unlawful processing and against its accidental loss, destruction or damage.
  5. Your Rights
    5.1You have a statutory right to see a copy of the information we hold about you on payment of a statutory fee, which is currently £10.
    5.2You have the right to rectify any errors in information we hold about you and to change or correct any details you have already given us. Please inform us about changes to your details so that we can keep our records accurate and up to date.
    5.3You have the right to opt out of receiving any marketing material from us at any time.
    5.4To exercise your rights please contact us using the details below (Further Information).
  6. What we use your information for
    6.1We will use your information to provide you with any further details or information you request when you contact us.
    6.2If we provide an online shopping service we will use your information to fulfil your order.
  7. With whom we may share your data
    7.1We will not share your information with any other organisation except in the following circumstances.
    7.1.1We will share your information with Enigma to enable them to host your information or to register you as a user of their website.
    7.1.2We will give third party providers who supply services to us (for example, as part of hardware or software maintenance) or who process information on our behalf (such as a hosting company) incidental access to your information.
    7.1.3We will disclose your information to enforcement authorities if asked to do so, or to a third party in the context of actual or threatened legal proceedings.
    7.1.4If we provide an online shopping service, any credit or debit card details you supply will be passed to our payment provider and your card issuer.
    7.1.5We may share your information with another organisation which buys our business or our assets or to whom we transfer our agreement with you and in the course of any negotiations, which may or may not lead to such a transfer or sale.
  8. Transfers outside the EEA
    We will not transfer your information outside the EEA. The EEA comprises certain countries within Europe (including the EU) which have similar laws on data protection. Other countries outside the EEA may not give the same level of protection to your information.
  9. Further Information
    9.1If you have any queries about the information we hold on you, or would like to exercise your rights set out above, please contact us by email on [insert email address here]>.
    9.2[Insert company name] is entered in the Register of Data Controllers with registration no. [insert registration number].
    9.3Further information about data protection issues including the online Register of Data Controllers can be found at www.ico.gov.uk
  10. Use of Cookies
    Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

    Below, we explain the cookies we use and why.
    Google Analytics
    Name Purpose
    These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.
    Click here for an overview of privacy at Google.

    Session Cookie
    Name Purpose
    The session cookie is used to maintain your basket information and if you are logged into our site.
    No personally identifiable information is stored by these cookies

    Addthis Cookie
    Name Purpose
    Addthis use both session Cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent Cookies (which stay on your computer until you delete them) to provide you with a more personal and interactive experience.
    Click here for an overview of privacy at AddThis

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    Click here for an overview of privacy at Twitter

    Click here for an overview of privacy at Vimeo
Latest Reviews...\n\nMark, UK\nAirbag Light Reset A++\n\nLee, UK\nDPF Regeneration Easy To Do Thanks\n\nJean, Spain\nBrilliant kit thanks you A+++\n\nDavid, UK\nSuper Fast Delivery Thank You\n\nSarah, USA\nBMW now sorted. Brilliant\n\nLily, UK\nAlistair Helped Me Out. Recommend A+\n\nPeter, Australia\nReally Please with the item. Thanks\n\nTom, USA\nGenuine Mileage Checked. All Good!\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n